MEGACHART çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ THE PROPAGANDA MEGA CHART ¼This chart is based on all the 12 categories in the Propaganda scene charts. All first places are given 15 points and second places 14 points and so on.. ²This may more fairly show which group is the best than just the category "Most Popular Group" ¹ ¹ 1)³ Sanity ¢ 198 ¹ 2)³ Lemon ¢ 137 ¹ 3)³ Kefrens ¢ 85 ¹ 4)½ Melon Design ¢ 83 ¹ 5)½ Andromeda ¢ 75 ¹ 6)½ Spaceballs ¢ 68 ¹ 7)½ Virtual Dreams ¢ 53 ¹ 8)½ Movement ¢ 52 ¹ ½Balance ¢ 52 ¹10)½ Silents ¢ 46 ¹ ½Anarchy ¢ 46 ¹12)½ Parasite ¢ 43 ¹13)½ Alcatraz ¢ 37 ¹14)½ Majic 12 ¢ 31 ¹15)½ CnCd ¢ 30 ¹16)½ Phenomena ¢ 28 ¹ ½Stellar ¢ 28 ¹18)½ Vision ¢ 27 ¹19)½ Crionics ¢ 24 ¹ ½Infect ¢ 24 ¹21)½ Essence ¢ 23 ¹22)½ Absolute ¢ 22 ¹ ½Abnormalia Staff ¢ 22 ¹24)½ DCS ¢ 21 ¹ ½Dreamdealers ¢ 21 ¹26)½ Faith ¢ 16 ¹¶27)½ Analog ¢ 15 ¹ ½ Complex ¢ 15 ¹29)½ Pygmy Projects ¢ 14 ¹30)½ Miracle ¢ 12 ¹ ½ Masque ¢ 12 ¹32)½ Jetset ¢ 11 ¹ ½ Equinox ¢ 11 ¹ ½ Quartex ¢ 11 ¹ ½ Desire ¢ 11 ¹36)½ LSD ¢ 9 ¹ ½ Reflex ¢ 9 ¹ ½ Mad Elks ¢ 9 ¹39)½ Digital ¢ 7 ¹ ½ Scoopex ¢ 7 ¹41)½ Stone Arts ¢ 6 ¹ ½ Ram Jam ¢ 6 ¹ ½ Freezers ¢ 6 ¹ ½ Nuance ¢ 6 ¹45)½ TRSi ¢ 5 ¹ ½ Platin ¢ 5 ¹ ½ SCUP ¢ 5 ¹ ½ Static Bytes ¢ 5 ¹49)½ Noiseless ¢ 4 ¹50)½ Damones ¢ 3 ¹51)½ Rednex ¢ 2 ¹ ½ Anthrox ¢ 2 ¹ ½ Noxious ¢ 2 ¹54)½ Investation ¢ 1 ¹ ½ Damian ¢ 1 ¹ ½ Mystic ¢ 1 ² That was all the groups present in this chart!